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Read up for Next week’s Torah Portion: Vayera, Genesis 18:1 to Genesis 22:24
Read up for Next week’s Torah Portion: Vayera, Genesis 18:1 to Genesis 22:24
Exodus 21:1-24:18 P. Mishpatim The juxtaposition of this reading portion, dealing primarily with civil and tort law with the Ten Commandments and the laws of the Altar provide a startling insight into Judaism. To God, there is no realm of “religion” in the colloquial sense of the word. Most people think of the religion as…
Reading portion Exodus 18:1-20:23 P. Yithro There is a dispute regarding the time of Jethro’s arrival in the Israelite camp. According to some, he arrived before the Torah was given, because the news of the Splitting of the Sea and the Amalekite attack influenced him to join Israel. According to others, he came after the…