Stuffed tomatoes

*The word for tomato in Hebrew is “Agvania.”  The root of the word is to love or desire.  Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, did not like this word selection for tomato.  He thought it was too sensual and insisted on the more Semitic word for tomato, “badura.”  However, in a rare occurrence Ben-Yehuda did not win the linguistic battle.  People in…


*Tabbouleh is one of the most popular salads in the Middle East.  It is often served family-style in a little bowl along with many other appetizer-type dishes (humus, falafel, baba ghanoush).  My strategy for eating Mediterranean mezze is to just pile my pita with everything that looks tasty.  The only hard to find ingredient in this…

Carrot soufflé

*My sister has a magnet on her refrigerator that says “in this house carrot cake counts as a vegetable.”  If carrot cake counts then I imagine carrot soufflé counts as two vegetable servings!  My son is a semi-picky eater and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to occasionally sneak vegetables into some meals.  Granted as a house rule non-sneaky vegetables are…