Riding the tiger of Jew Hate

BY DAVID ISAAC, SHMUELKATZ.COM “Notwithstanding all internal feuds, rivalries, even mutual bloodletting, that have always marked inter-Arab relations, notwithstanding differences in nuances and in tactics, the destruction of the Jewish State remains the common ambition of all the Arab states.” — Shmuel Katz, (“Mutuality of Interests” (The Jerusalem Post, Aug. 26, 1983) “At the moment,…

Carrot soufflé

*My sister has a magnet on her refrigerator that says “in this house carrot cake counts as a vegetable.”  If carrot cake counts then I imagine carrot soufflé counts as two vegetable servings!  My son is a semi-picky eater and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to occasionally sneak vegetables into some meals.  Granted as a house rule non-sneaky vegetables are…